Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Catch Can

Well, I searched around for a decent catch can. Yea, JDM tite ones are sweet, but they are just mirrored boxes. None are very good and NONE come with baffles.

After searching and searching I went the "make your own" way.

I bought the Husky oil separator from Home Depot at the high cost of 12 bucks. It's a small container that runs air into a tank and then through a filter (aka baffled). I hooked up some nipples to it, and Ta Da, a baffled catch can.

Yea it is small, but I have no problem regularly checking it. Hell, its better than 90% of the shit on the market.

1 comment:

  1. Report Card

    Functional: B+
    Clean Install: A
    Cost: A+
    JDM Tyte: F-
